Year 2
Welcome to Year 2 - We are Classes 6 and 7
Our teacher in Class 6 is Miss Holmes
Our teacher's in Class 7 are Miss Hodgson and Mrs MacFarlane.
Year 2's teaching assistants are Miss Blyton, Miss Greengrass, Mrs Koita, Mrs Perry and Mrs Smith.
Reading and Spellings
All children in Key Stage 1 have a home reading book. Please try to read with your child and write in their reading diary every day.
Each child in Key Stage 1 has a spelling book with individual spellings to work on. They are able to progress through the spelling sets at their own pace. Remember to keep practising your spellings at home!!
What we are learning
Autumn 2 - Incredible Inventions
Spring 1 -
Spring 2 -
Summer 1 -
Summer 2 -