Reading at Home
The first and most important thing you can do to support your child’s
learning is to encourage a love of reading, by reading with and to your child.
FS and KS1: 3-7 years
Children begin their reading journey with picture books, where
the aim is to talk about the pictures and create their own exciting
stories. Word books are introduced once a child knows the first set of
phonic sounds - s, a, t, p, i, n. The reading books that are sent home will
only focus on these sounds and it is expected that children will read
each book several times before it is changed. This helps develop
confidence and fluency. As children recognise more letter sounds, so
the reading books become more difficult.
Children will have a Reading Record which they bring home with their
reading book. Please listen to your child read regularly – ideally a few
minutes every day – and ask them questions about what they are
reading. Fill in their Reading Record with a quick comment like ‘Well
done. Lovely reading’. Children collect REDTED points each time they
are heard read and these points build up and earn prizes!
Click here to find out more about REDTED!
As children develop their reading skills, they move up through coloured
‘book bands’. Even as children become more confident, it is really
important to continue reading with your child. Reading aloud improves
fluency and gives you the chance to ask your child questions about what
they are reading, to develop their comprehension skills.
Click here to find out more about book bands!
KS2: 7-11 years
It’s really important to still read with your child – even the best readers
benefit from reading aloud as it helps them develop their speed,
confidence and understanding. Children who read at home and have their
Reading Record signed continue to earn REDTED points and prizes.
Children will be given spellings to learn, ready for a test the following
week. These are linked to our school scheme: No Nonsense Spelling. We
work hard to help children develop their knowledge of words. You can
support your child with this at home and find out the meaning of new
words together. Please ask your child’s teacher if you would like any more
information on helping your child learn their spellings.
Recommended Reads
At Rufford, we are keen to encourage the love of reading and want to help children find good books to read.
Each half-term, we recommend three good books that we believe the children will enjoy reading.
You don’t have to buy these books, you can always borrow them from the library or scan a QR code and your child can read an online version.
If you send a picture of your child with one of these books. We will post it on the WEDUC newsfeed. All children will be given a special bookmark and will be entered into a prize draw to win another book by the same author!