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Rufford Primary School

English - Reading

Subject Leader - Mrs Hickman & Miss Moran

Children are taught English in line with the National Curriculum.

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Intent, Implementation & Impact

Our aim at Rufford Primary and Nursery School is to make every child a reader. From the early steps of learning the sounds made by individual letters and groups of letters, to reading whole words and sentences and to reading paragraphs and whole books, all children will be taught the skills to read and understand the books of their choice. We want all children to enjoy reading and we therefore ensure that there are a wide variety of books to choose from. If a child does not enjoy reading, they have not found the right book yet!

Reading in the Nursery

Children in the nursery share high quality books every day that encourage children to hear and understand rhyme. They also discuss the characters and events to help them understand about stories. When children are at the right stage of development, they will begin to learn the sound made by individual letters. The best thing that a parent can do at this stage of a child’s development is to read, read and read. The more that children hear words and enjoy stories, the more that they will understand and be ready for the next stage of reading.

Reading in FS2

At Rufford, we use Little Wandle phonics scheme. Children in FS2 have a daily phonics lesson to teach them the sounds made by individual letters, pairs of letters (digraphs) and 3 letters (trigraphs). The way that the sounds are pronounced makes it easier for children to read words. The link below is useful to see how each letter or group of letters are pronounced.


Children will read their reading book at school on a weekly basis and reading at home every night or at least 3 times a week has a significant impact on children’s progress. In addition, children have a shared reading session where the children discuss a story and answer questions about what has been read to them.

Reading in KS1

In Year 1, phonics continues to take place on a daily basis and children begin to learn that one sound can be represented in different ways e.g. ai (rain), ay (crayons) and a – e (name) all make the same sound.

 In Year 2 phonics lessons, children revise the different ways that sounds can be represented and begin to learn about prefixes e,g, un (unlucky) and suffixes  e.g. ed (looked).  

 Children in KS1 also have a daily whole class shared reading session. This involves children reading the same text together and then completing activities about the text. This will include learning the meanings of new words, answering questions and inferring (using clues to find answers).

Reading in KS2

Like children in KS1, all children in KS2 have a daily whole class shared reading session. The texts get gradually more difficult as the children move through the school but the structure of the sessions is the same. Children read the same text aloud and then do related activities. The vocabulary that they learn about will be more difficult and the types of questions and inferences will become more complicated.

Reading for Pleasure

At Rufford Primary and Nursery School we strongly believe that reading should be enjoyable and we provide children with many opportunities to enjoy books. All classes read a class text at 3pm. This involves the teacher reading aloud so that children can just enjoy the story. Children are involved in choosing these texts. We have a partnership with Waterstones and have taken children to visit authors at the shop in Nottingham. Children have had the opportunity to listen to parts of their stories, learn to draw characters and have their book signed by the author. Twice a year we have ‘Take One Book Week’. This is where all of the activities that the children do are related to a picture book and each Year group creates a book display in the hall. We also celebrate World Book Day and the children thoroughly enjoy dressing up as their favourite book character. Each class was given the opportunity to say which books and comics they would like to see in our mobile library to ensure that it is enticing for children.

Reading at Home

We teach reading on a daily basis at school, but practising these skills as often as possible at home makes a huge difference to how children’s reading progresses. To encourage children to read at home we have a scheme called REDTED (read every day, talk every day). Children get a tick each time they read at home and they get rewards at different stages which are mentioned in our special assembly. We would love children to read for 10 or 15 minutes every night and strongly recommend that it is at least 3 times a week.

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